Sunday, May 16, 2010

Only Two Year Sentence for Sex With Student

Amy Beck was a teacher. She was also the wife of a police officer and mother of three. Now she will also be registered sex offender. Amy Beck admitted to having a six month affair with a fourteen year old former student. Authorities had no idea the affair had happened, but Beck went to police and told them everything. Her lawyer says she admitted to the affair because it was "the right thing to do". She was given just two years in prison, in which she will probably serve less than one, and three years of probation. Now, this seems like a slap on the wrist for having sex with a child. If she were a man, and the child were female, would it have gone differently? Was the fact that she was married to a police officer a factor? Or that she came forward with the information voluntarily and acted remorseful? It just makes one wonder why an adult who raped a child will serve less than a year behind bars. It would be interesting to hear what the young boys parents think about this, or the victim himself. Whether he was a willing participant was not disclosed, but it doesn't make the situation right regardless.

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