Monday, April 26, 2010

Gardner may have tried to assault others

John Albert Gardner III, who has plead guilty in the rape and murders of both Chelsea King and Amber Dubois may have attempted to assault others, including an eleven year old girl. Gardner was a registered sex offender before King and Dubois became his victims and served only 5 years, even though he was found to be violent and was recommended to serve his entire sentence. What will it take for the courts to put this man away-FOREVER? He would've never had the opportunity to kill Dubois or King, and now those families and communities suffer. Other women, who were in the same area as King are convinced that they encountered Gardner, as well as a little girl who was walking home from school. This is a predator, who was out looking for a victim, for his next conquest. Who is in charge of keeping track of these sex offenders, because it doesn't seem like anyone knows where they are, and what they are doing in their spare time. Chelsea King and Amber Dubois may still be alive today, if Gardner was serving the time he was sentenced to, or if a parole agent knew what he was up to.

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