Thursday, December 31, 2009

Convicted Sex Offender Strikes Again?

A man who has been previously convicted of rape and is listed as a child sex offender is accused of abducting Sarah H. Foxwell. Her body was found on Christmas day. Thomas J. Leggs Jr. knew the sixth grader and was the last person seen with her. One of the sad things is that this man had access to the young girl. He wasn't a stranger, some scary guy from down the street. He was the former boyfriend of the Sarah's aunt who had legal custody of her. Sarah was seen by "a minor" leaving her bedroom in the middle of the night with this man. Obviously Sarah trusted him. She knew him and had most likely been around him. This man should have never had a relationship with Sarah. This man was also considered "high risk". Given his background, why would you allow someone like that to be around your children? This is a sad case that might have been prevented if Leggs had never met the young girl.

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