Sunday, March 28, 2010

Young Deaf Boys Let Down by Church Leaders

Most of time, when you hear about a priest, or church official committing a sex crime, it stays silent for years, until an adult comes forward with the news. In this case, a young man repeatedly told others about the abuse he had been subjected to by a priest, only to have it ignored. Steven Geier, now 59 and living in Madison, WI tells of how as a teenager, and even later as an adult he told other priests of the abuse he had endured. Being deaf, Geier, along with others used sign language and gestures to report the abuse. Father Murphy could have hundreds of victims. Between 15 and 20 affidavits were collected, only to have the "higher ups" ignore the severity of what was going on and continue to pass it along to others. Neither the Archbishop or the district attorney were of any help. Father Murphy was thought to be "too valuable" and continued working with deaf children for the next 24 years.

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