Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mother of Sandra Cantu's Playmate Arrested in Her Murder

On Friday, March 27, eight year old Sandra Cantu of Tracy, California was reported missing. The entire community was on alert and everyone seemed to be looking for "the creepy guy" who must've abducted little Sandra. Sandra Cantu's body was found in a suitcase dumped in an irrigation pond. Someone had killed her and disposed of her tiny body in a terrible way, just two miles from her home. When someone was arrested for her murder, everyone was shocked to find out it was a female. Not only was it a woman, but a 28 year old mother who taught Sunday school and lived just five doors down from the young girl. Melissa Huckaby has a 5 year old daughter who often played with the victim. She was formally charged on Tuesday, April 14 in the death of Sandra Cantu. To make things more heartbreaking, Huckaby is being charged with rape with a foreign object, lewd and lascivious conduct with a child, and murder in the course of a kidnapping. Police say they believe the woman acted alone. This case is so unique because less than 3% of murders have female to female ratio, and less that 7% involve sex. When females are the perpetrators of female victims, it is almost always with a male accomplice. While everyone was looking for "the creepy man, the monster" who did this, a disturbed young woman is believed to be responsible. Her only other criminal history is theft related, and that just adds to the mystery as to why she would've committed such a horrendous crime. How could a mother do this you wonder? How could anyone?

Thousands have attended a memorial for this young girl. The case has been closely followed for the last three weeks by the entire nation. Huckaby is facing the death penalty if convicted. Let's hope that this case is resolved, that Cantu's family receives some answers. They deserve justice.

Suspect In Girl's Slaying Heading To Court
The woman accused of killing 8-year-old Sandra Cantu will appear in court today for the first time.

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