Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Interview with Jennifer Baumgardner

Here is a condensed version of Abby Panozzo's interview with Jennifer Baumgardner. Jennifer Baumgardner's "I was Raped" campaign personalizes rape and discusses how it is a problem that affects all of us. It is an issue that not only affects the victim, but our entire community. It has this tremendous impact, and everyone has a responsibility to help "shatter the silence around sexual violence".
How can victims/survivors gain and exercise their agency, if they are not provided with opportunities to participate in documentaries or local campaigns? JB:"We have many opportunities to discuss rape-to confront it, believe it exists, signal that we are safe people to talk to, question a perpetrator-and I hope projects like this one suggest to people that they can begin to interrupt rape culture themselves..." Could you elaborate on the role this project could potentially have for sexual violence prevention and intervention organiztions, such as PAVE? JB:"I think that any time media attention or popular attention is drawn toward the issue of rape and sexual violence by anyone, particularly someone with a commitment and understanding of feminism, it can bring added energy, money, and attention to the important work that organizations like PAVE and RAINN are doing...the goal of the project is to personalize rape...make it about personal stories...it encourages people to come out about their rape and sexaul assault experiences and , I hope get support from or lend support to places like PAVE."

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