Over 30 courthouses found themselves the location for a Victim's Rights Rally on February 19, 2008 organized by PAVE (Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment). This date was suppose to be the third trial in the sexual assault case of Tory Bowen, and outspoken victim who protested a judge's ruling that she could not use the word 'sexual assault' or 'rape' to describe the alleged assault she endured Oct 31, 2004.
Check out the footage of the Chicago Rally led by Angela Rose on youtube.com:
Although many states have statutes that protect certain rights for victims of crimes, many victims find themselves re-victimized by the criminal justice system. No where is this more evident than for crimes of sexual and domestic violence. Often victims of such crimes are female and are blamed for the violence done against them. The Victim's Rights Rally this last Tuesday is necessary to show that silence will not be the response to sexually violent crimes.
Awareness and activism however will not end here! April 29th, 2008 is Angela Shelton Day, a day PAVE and many other organization will be banning together with Angela Shelton to launch a Report It Now! Campaign. Sexual violence is often a silent crime since many offenders are often known to the victim and because of fear by victims that reporting the crime will lead to further victimization. Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, this campaign is more than fitting to give a voice to victims and survivors around this country. Those who want to end sexual assault will be launching a campaign that encourages and supports victims and survivors to shatter the silence of sexual violence! Only through shattering this silence can victims receive more recognition and rights in court, and ultimately have a better chance at receiving justice for the crimes done to them. To be involved or find out more information, please e-mail info@pavingtheway.net.
For further coverage of the Victim's Rights Rally feel free to view the following websites: